Perhaps It Has Ended

I’ve been using Word Press for a few years, I think and while it has been a good place to put my work, it never really does anything. All of us, who have our “Readers” are reading the works of others in the choir. We are afraid or too lazy to make the rounds of submitting to reputable publishers, holding off for better, and at least for me, it may be time to move on.

I have started participating in a writer’s workshop, where I get all the feedback I care to get and the others who share their work speaks of the heights of the kind of work I care to read, which is the most important point:

What and from where do you read?

At least for me, I still buy books at the local bookstore. We still have them in Berkeley, where I bought the last one. Since someone stole my car however, I have been inclined not to carry Schmidt’s hardcover on The Story of the Novel, which is over 1000 pages in my backpack slung over my shoulder while I am on the racing bike climbing mountains to work. A Nook never sounded better since it takes an hour to get to work by road and public transport, besides I am a sweaty mess when I get there. If I were lugging the book around I would be even sweatier.

Still, the point is that I don’t read Word Press, less of course Flavorwire on occasion and I am sure this is the case for the rest of you. Sure, we place our likes like presumptuous pats on the back of our fellow writers, but how often do we actually read all the way through? Thank God people tend only to write a little or at least in serial, because who has the time?

The point again, is that I spend my time on books I have purchased. I go to a cafe and sit. I do not bring my computer.

Anyway, I am about done: 3,552 views and 194 comments later.