1. Mario, I have just listened to the musical version of “The Weeping Meadow” and liked it very much, just like the others who have written you comments on Soundcloud.

      • However, it is good that female football and other sports played by women are becoming more relevant. Years ago the news were only about male sports.

        I am glad the Spanish female team has won as I would equally be if it had been another country’s team. They played best and that’s it.

        As for the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Luís Rubiales, who gave player Jenny Hermoso a mouth kiss and who also touched his lower parts publically at the stadion, I think it is good he has publically apologised. But is it enough? Should he resign? He had probably drunk too much. An anti-doping control could be useful in such cases.

      • I am sure Rubiales had a crush on her and used his position to activate his feelings, but always the wishes and desires of Hermoso are at issue. Men are learning and women need to speak up.

      • Yes, I hope some men who have not learnt things yet do it sooner. I guess some will never learn and women surely need to speak up, though there are also some who are not doing things right either. I have encountered too many people of both sexes who have twisted minds. They are toxic and make your life impossible. Luckily I was able to get away from them. I hope you are fine. Many greetings also from Sergi and my mother.

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