“Venthrapus” Ashot Danielian (music) and Mario Savioni (lyrics and vocals)

Tears by Ashot Danielyan Lyrics and Vocals by Mario Savioni Ad


This track is a collaboration between Ashot Danielyan, who wrote the music and Mario Savioni, who wrote the lyrics and sang. As I was listening to Ashot’s cut, words came to me. I wrote them down and recorded myself singing over the music over and over again until, I believe I had something to share. Thank you Ashot! Thank you all for listening! – Mario Savioni

Notes from the Whitehouse Press Conference on March 9th

President and others said on March 9: WhiteHouse Corona Virus Update, Monday, March 9, 4:22PM, 2020

We have bought time because of our efforts. Risk remains low and risk to serious disease remains low.

Whole of America approach, we met with airlines, commercial labs, etc. Therapeutics medicines that bring relief are being made.

This week meet with Hospital and Health Insurance CEOs. 47 Governors, brief progress. All state labs have tests. 4 million tests will be distributed. Dramatic increase in available tests.

Guidelines to keep home and business safe. Grand Princess in Oakland. Commercial dock. 25 children are all healthy. Of those contracted, 21 in all are being dealt with in proper isolation. hope to disembark to Travis and Mianmar.

Remaining passengers carefully controlled to tarmac and flown to military tested and quarantined.

Remaining people on ship, crew, push off, quarantined ship board. Hourly wage earners to go to work even though they were ill. If they feel at risk losing job, stand by those workings and those businesses, put health of America first.

News conference, pay roll tax cut, Senate important meetings set up. Explain economic stand point. This blindsided the world. Economic steps we will be taking that are major.

Guidance for every American, community spread focused, real solution every American has a role in stopping spread, that practical and detailed. Work place safety, schools, home, commercial, Communities were at the center of this. Falchi came from a paper. We have been speaking about the kinds of things that would keep our citizens safe, it is now in a neat formed way, Australia provided to put it together simple low-tech ways. We have been looking at the data from around the world. How is at risk, people over 60, who will develop complications, average age of death is 80. If you are a child or young adult, you are more likely to die from the flu. We want you to be reassured by this. Younger people can spread the virus even those they may not be symptom victims. Really good time, to look after family members, who are at risk. They are the most vulnerable. Coronavirus.gov will mitigate spread. Raised standards for nursing homes, 8000, and focus on disease compliance.

Vera: Exactly focused on infection control. More guidance on visitors to nursing homes. Many Senior Citizens, Medicare program is behind them and supporting. More Telehealth benefits, they can call and Skype with their doctors.

We began disembarking of Princess, quarantine were enforced, children or those ill, additional medical half today, half tomorrow, medically screen, then transferred to quarantine sites. Testing, good discussion with 47 governors, outlined for them, different tests, every state lab in American, latest availability, strategic plan, to diagnose, treat, contain, mitigate, research, and communicate is what we done in a crisis. Genetic sequence from China. That test is getting closer and closer to patient. 1 million tests have shipped from CDC. Every state is validated and operates that tests, 100,000’s of those tests are in hospitals. This week 4 million tests per week. Lab Core or Quest, can collect samples in doctor’s offices, those are more seamless, better patient and doctor testing. CDC overview cases, we do continue to see increased number of cases, 500 cases in America, 35 states. The present time the risk remains low. Several community outbreaks, heavily investigated to understand the transmission process.

Stock market huge slide. 50/50 chance of recession. down 20%. We couldn’t more pleased that president programs have put the economy in a very good position, Powell, President is committed to provide support for the economy, Bank Regulators, to help small businesses, parts of the economy, those who need to be at home we will be working on a program to address this, tax payment relief, we are committed to provide whatever tools of liquidity to get through the next few months. Authorities President can use, Treasury we can use with those spending deal bi-participant, why not get tested. When can you let us know about President being tested.

Should the president should continue with campaign rallies. Governors, etc. cancelling activities, an abundance of caution, especially where community spread, possibility spread in areas where we are not noticing it. They are using their judgement. Can’t comment on campaign rallies, because it is in motion. Where there is no community spread, it might be OK.

If you are a healthy young person, you can get on a cruise, ship but those at risk should not. In Miami, cruise ships should be safer with medical protocols, testing, and evacuation, President that Cruise line leadership is ready to go to the next level. Improve short and long time.

How is he so wrong on that number, those that test positive, and then they get better, vast majority who contract the virus will get better. Numbers will grow it is also important will get better, some have mild and some have serious symptoms. While numbers grow, people come off the list. Cycle of virus, reacts like flu, in spread and prevention, we hope this will affect flu numbers too. Cautions, there are also children and cancer patients, if they have decreased white cell, they are given a sheet in how to protect them. But, we are a concerned about those compromised immune systems. People need to have the tools. Are the president’s tweets hurting you? The President’s leadership is inspiring. We are literally working seamlessly on the issue. Number of tests conducted. Different types of tests, CDC enough to test 75,000 public health labs, one in each state, they report back to CDC, larger 900,000 by this weekend, and remainder go to hospitals, they don’t have to report back to the CDC, but we are building that IT and thus cannot give you that number. The IT system is getting set up as we speak.
Risk remains low, especially if we continue to be safe.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stay home when you are sick.

Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.

Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.