
The Real You

The Real You

I want the real you,
Not this avatar,
Where my thoughts are sucked.
This voice of yours
That speaks of fragility and hurt,
I want the real you
Because I am a man.

You say the real you is what you want
But in doing so you’d be destroyed.
There are things about you
That you cannot say
Or they would destroy the timidity you display.

You have your demons.
I say you could not be demonic
With that trembling voice.

I respect your need to hide things
You’ve left unknown.
I had to look up “heathen-”
Someone who does not believe in God,
Is uncivilized.

You are honest
And civilized.
I have no right to press you,
Gone too far.

No one is perfect;
I am that example.
But your beauty is unflawed
By your kindness,
The imperfections you have hidden
Are waved.

And yes, what appears your tolerance
Is visible and virtuous.
I am not blind to this,
Only ambitious.

Perhaps, it is your downfall
To be willing to see the beauty
In another,
Who is not so beautiful at all.
But, just as Nancy Reagan said,
You can always say, “No,”
Or in this case, “NO!”

The windfall is true.
Your perfection is my sin.